Peanut Butter Granola Bites

Hey, look! It’s a food/recipe post! Hooray!

I came up with this recipe when I wanted something wholesome, yummy, and able to satisfy my ridiculous sweet tooth at swim meets! You know, I’m a very straight-up person, and you’ll probably learn this eventually, but I’m very particular and precise with things, and if they’re not exactly perfect, I’ll be the first to say so. That said, I’m not a mean person, either. I’m just always looking for ways to improve. So! Now you know why I’m going to say this: these “granola” bites are dry. They are. They’re crumbly and dry and taste pretty raw, but I think they taste okay, and they definitely serve their purpose. This is also the first recipe I’ve made totally from my own brain (I’m not an expert chef), so I’m hoping that with a little practice and more experimentation, I’ll get better 🙂

Peanut Butter Granola Bites

1c Steel Cut Oats
1/2c Flaxseed
1/2c Quick Oats
1/2c Peanut Butter
1/4c Milk
Coconut Flakes
Semi-Sweet or Dark Chocolate Chips

1. Preheat over to 325˚

2. Combine oats, flaxseed, and peanut butter with a rubber spatula. It helps to break up (read “stab”) the peanut butter with the spatula. Stir milk in, adding a little bit more if everything is not moistened.

3. Spread mixture over parchment paper on a cookie sheet to 1/4-1/2 thick. Sprinkle an even layer of coconut flakes over the top.

4. Bake for 10 minutes or until the coconut is beginning to toast.

5. Sprinkle an even layer of chocolate chips over the coconut. Leave for a few minutes, until you can easily spread the chocolate out with the back of the spatula.

6. Place in freezer overnight to harden chocolate.

7. Take out, break into chunks, and enjoy!

Do you have any suggestions to improve this recipe? Tell me in the comments!


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