April’s Resolution?

Hey, so how many of you made a New Years’ Resolution to be healthier? I did. I’ve made that resolution for like three years and never really took it seriously. But this year, I’m going to!

My mom has is also trying to get my family to eat better, so this will help me. We eat pretty well as it is, but sometimes we eat a bit too much candy or chips, so we should replace it with fruits and veggies and protein!

I’m working on a “Healthy Me” notebook, and hopefully I’ll have some printable sheets up soon, but I plan on creating a binder full of workouts, goals, healthy recipes, and a page of some of the weird things about my body- okay, not weird, but like all the things that can make me, specifically, healthier. For example, if I get dehydrated I get headaches and start to have panic attacks/nervous breakdowns. I know that lots of people get headaches when they’re dehydrated, but I’ve never heard of people having panic attacks because they’re dehydrated, so it’s specific to me, and I should remember that.

I’m really excited to get on this healthier lifestyle, and I’m sure it will make a huge impact on my life! But guys, I need your help! Seriously. I get lazy, it’s the truth, so every once in a while one of you has to comment and say, “EEYYY HOLLY WASSUP HOW YOU DOIN WITH THAT HEALTH THING YOU STILL DOIN IT YOU BETTER STILL BE DOIN IT” okay? Okay, maybe not those exact words, but please please please help me out okay?

And if any of you guys have a similar goal, comment! Let’s encourage each other!!! It’ll be great 🙂
