Book Review: The Program

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The Program Pinnable

book image from

Book: The Program
Author: Suzanne Young
Rating: PG-13– language, mature content
Score: 7/10

When teen suicide becomes an epidemic, The Program is created. It’s supposed to cure teens of the depression that causes them to commit suicide, but it does this by taking their memories. Sloane has lost her brother to suicide, and her friend to The Program. She has her boyfriend, James, now, but how much longer can they hide their depression, even when they’re together?

Such an intriguing concept! The topic is really interesting, and the protagonists are realistic and easy to connect to. However, I thought it was kind of watered down. I think the book could have been so much more exciting; I guess I understand that because the book is about depression, the tone is low-key, depressed, as well, but I think that element of depression could still be in the tone of the book without sacrificing some of the excitement, suspense, or quality. I’m not sure if I will continue reading the rest of the series. That being said, overall it is a good book that I would recommend for an all-day weekend read, preferably during a storm or a cloudy day, because it’s definitely not light-hearted!

Have you read The Program? Tell me your thoughts and opinions in the comments! And if you’d like to know what some upcoming book reviews are, subscribe to the monthly email newsletter!

Hey, we could start a book club!!! Yeah?
