Bloom Where You’re Planted

The teen years are hard, right? Full of weird emotions and sometimes you just don’t know how to feel. But whoever you are, all teens experience some unhappiness with something or other. Like Harry in Order of the Phoenix and Katniss in Mockingjay- sometimes the situations you’re in just make you want to curl up into a ball and never leave your room.

I moved to the town I’m living in now three years ago, and until today, the only thing I liked about the town was my school (which is a story for another time…maybe). I hated the landscape, I hated the amenities (one small Target? Yeesh), I hated the people (dang, what a horrible generalized statement).

Today, I went downtown with my best friend, Lucie (the brownie bites guest poster!). We volunteered at our local library for a few hours, then went to a corner cafe for lunch, then to a new pottery place (LOVE!), then to a cute antique shop, then to a fabulous bakery that is super cheap but soooo yummy, which was good because by then we kinda ran out of money… hahaha!

These businesses were really small, local businesses, and the owners were SO NICE! At the corner cafe, we ordered a sweet potato cinnamon roll, and the guy waited until we finished our sandwiches to heat it up and put on fresh cream cheese icing- heaven! At the new pottery place, we painted a butter dish and soap pump for our moms for Mothers’ Day; the store was so artsy and colorful we couldn’t not fall in love! The antique shop was full of the most amazing things and ridiculously awesome old coins, and the dude there was really enthusiastic and helpful. At the bakery, I got four delicious cookies for 80¢!

Basically, what I’m saying is that you can find lovely gems wherever you are. If you’re really sick of your town, doing the same old stuff, I highly encourage you to explore and find those gems! You won’t regret it, and you might even find some of your favorite places! Make the most of your life, because there really is beauty in everything 🙂

What are your favorite quirky places?


P.S. Sorry I didn’t get any pictures!