Darby Smart!

How cute is the box?!

How cute is the box?!

If you go to my “Fun Stuff” page, you’ll see a link to Darby Smart. I made a comment there about their blog and also their monthly craft box, “To DIY For.” I finally decided that a 6 month subscription to the box is worth $100, so I subscribed and began my agonizingly eager wait for my first box. It came mid-March, coincidentally, the same time my violin was delivered! So much excitement! So much anxiety over which box to open first!

Anyway, I opened my first “To DIY For” box aaaanddd… yarn. and needles. and plastic. Umm, can you say anticlimactic? I know, I know, some of you may be super into harm crafts, but it just wasn’t anything fancy, ya know? In fact, my box was missing the postcard that has the password to unlock online instructions. “Needle”ss (XD) to say, I was extremely confused and slightly disappointed, so I contacted Darby Smart. They were extremely helpful and gave me the password and directed my to the right site. Once I saw the instructions with pictures, my excitement shot up again! The March project was a needlepoint sunglasses case! And look how cute it turned out!

Contents of March's box

Contents of March’s box

Finished March project

Finished March project

April’s was even better! The first thing I saw was the postcard that said, in big letters, PERFUME. Make my own perfume? Um, yes, duh! In this box, I received two gorgeous glass bottles (I decorated them later), three fragrance oils, a base oil, and a dropper. In short, Darby Smart gives you everything you need to make amazing projects every month! They always give more than enough, so you end up with extra materials to make your own thing!

Materials for April's To DIY For box

Materials for April’s To DIY For box

Perfume Bottles

My finished April projects!

If you have $100 to spend, I would totally say spend it on a Darby Smart To DIY For subscription! It is a surprise, though, so the suspense is killer!


 I was not paid to write this post. All opinions are entirely my own. 🙂

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