Summer Reading Adventure

I love summer for a bunch of reasons. First, my family loves to explore, so we try to go on exciting day trips as many times as we can. Also, every summer, we travel east to visit family that we only see during the summer! This year, we drove there! (And I’m talking full on, 12-18 hours of driving a day here) it was so fun! But generally, my favorite part of summer is simply having more time to do what I love, which mainly includes reading and crafting!

Here are the books I read this summer:

Summer Reading Adventure Books
Hiding in the Light by Rifqa Bary- Wow. Oh my goodness this book was amazing! More on this one in another post but wow. It’s a must read!

Zoe Letting Go by Nora Price- Not really my “type” of book, but so well written and captivating. This is one that surprised me in terms of how much I liked it. More on this one in another post, too.

Fable by Chanda Hahn- Book 3 in the Unfortunate Fairy Tales Series. If you enjoyed the first two, you will definitely like this exciting and quick read!

The Heir by Kiera Cass- A continuation of the Selection Series. Maxon and America’s oldest daughter, Princess Eadlyn, goes through her own Selection in this book. Wonderful storyline and plot, but Eadlyn left much to be desired in a heroine.

Michael Vey Hunt for Jade Dragon by Richard Paul Evans- Book 4 in the Michael Vey Series. Every bit as exciting and surprising as the rest of the books, Hunt for Jade Dragon was over much too quickly and left me wanting more, more, more!

Kingdom Keepers Disney After Dark by Ridley Pearson- The first book of the Kingdom Keepers Series, Disney After Dark introduces a new and thrilling side to Disney World that all fans will love reading. I haven’t finished the series, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this Disney story doesn’t have a happy ending.

Maximum Ride Forever by James Patterson- As always, Patterson expertly toys with our emotions, leaving us crying, laughing, and praying for the fate of our favorite characters all at once. But finally, FINALLY, this is the conclusion all MR fans want and need!

These are the books I remembered I read during the summer, hahaha. I bought some more books over vacation that I still haven’t read! Hiding in the Light and Zoe Letting Go will both be featured in upcoming book reviews, so stay tuned!

What books did you read over the summer? Comment below!
