Book Review: Hiding in the Light

Do your parents ever have books for you to read for them? Like they’ll say, “I don’t have time to read this, but you like reading, so here! Read this book and tell me about it!”? My father does that to me all the time! This was kind of one of those books: He told me about it, and it sounded interesting, but I wasn’t really planning on actually reading it…until he bought it for me to read! Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, in a way that I highly suggest everyone to read it because of how important it is.

Hiding in the Light

Book: Hiding in the Light
Author: Rifqa Bary
Rating: PG-13 – this is non-fiction, people. It’s intense. It’s got religion and some sensitive incidents.
Score: 10/10

This is the true story of Rifqa Bary. She grew up in a Muslim family, but converted to Christianity at 12, secretly. This is her story of how she came to follow Jesus, how she had to run away once her family found out she was a Christian, and what God has done in her life.

Ohhhh, this is definitely one of the best books I have ever read! Ms. Bary’s story is absolutely captivating and convicting, from cover to cover. It is an absolute must-read if you’re a Christian, and I would still strongly recommend it to anyone, no matter their religion! It is such an inspiring story, and addresses topics that are, in my opinion, not addressed enough. She truly sets an example of how much we, as Christians, give up, or should want to give up if the situation came up, to defend our faith and follow Jesus.

Please, please, please read this book! This is a message you need to read; this is one of those life-changing books! And if you ever want to talk about this book or Christianity (or just want to talk about anything!), please comment or send me an email!
