Book Review: Before I Fall

All riiight, it’s time for a review of a book that’s really popular as of late. I’m not sure how many bestseller books I’ll review, but I can tell you that the next review will be a popular book too. This week’s book isssss *drumroll please* Before I Fall!

book image from Lauren Oliver Books

book image from Lauren Oliver Books

Book: Before I Fall
Author: Lauren Oliver
Rating: PG-13 — adult content, language, drinking/drugs/smoking
Score: 5/10

Sam Kingston has THE life- she’s a popular girl with a boyfriend and great friends. She shouldn’t be the one to die, right? Fortunately, she has seven chances to redo the last day of her life. Sam discovers some interesting things, like how much she loves her family, what her boyfriend really thinks of her, and the secrets her best friend is keeping from her. What can she change in the lives of other people, and how can she change her own perspectives, before she is gone forever?

The plot of this book is really interesting. However, the beginning was slow and boring. There were lots of things I didn’t enjoy reading because of my personal beliefs and morals, like underage drinking, [talking about] sex, and smoking. Maybe this is normal teen stuff, but I’m not a stereotypical teenager, so I’m not really sure, haha. I really did love the character development, though, and reading about what Sam did each day to change the outcome. But the negative actions were so frequent that it made the book not very enjoyable for me.

If you don’t mind reading about the stuff I mentioned above, then it’s a great book, but if you’re like me and that stuff bothers you, I wouldn’t read it at all.

Have you read Before I Fall? What did you think? Were you bothered by some of the topics and main characters’ actions? Let me know in the comments!


Book Review: The Witch and Wizard Series

Have I ever mentioned how much I love books? And reading books? And obsessing over books? No? Well I do love books. With complete and utter devoted passion. So I guess I’m not the best critic, but come on, books are published for a reason. I end up loving a lot of books out there, but sometimes, there’s a certain time and place for loving a certain book– Take Percy Jackson & the Olympians and the Hunger Games, for examples. I read the first Percy Jackson book in 5th grade, and was looking over my shoulder for the next two weeks, scared of monsters (so I’m easily scared, sue me). But I returned to the series a year and a half later and became obsessed! And The Hunger Games? I was disgusted (yet intrigued enough to read the entire series at once) the first time I read it, but over time it’s become one of my favorites! So where am I going with this long-winded story? I dunno, don’t give up on a promising book, maybe? Or, I know!, it might take a while to find “your book,” but trust me, it’s out there!

Finally we get to the actual book review, hahaha……

Witch & Wizard Book Review

Book: The Witch & Wizard Series
Author: James Patterson
Rating: PG-13–adventure, fighting scenes
Score: 8/10

Whit and Wisty Allgood seem to be normal, teenage siblings. They live in a world that seems like ours but with a few small differences, like foolball instead of football, and of course, magic. Because it turns out that Whit and Wisty aren’t ordinary teenagers- they’re a witch and a wizard, they can perform magic. And that’s good, too, because there are a whole lotta villains in their world, intent on taking over the Allgood’s home city. Whit and Wisty go through trial after trial, honing and learning about their magic, hoping to defeat all threats to their city.

Okay, well, the first three seem like a trilogy. A really good trilogy! There’s action, adventure, a little romance, and the best sibling love ever! You will fall in love with the main characters. Wisty is the strong, independent female protagonist who won’t take anything from anyone. Whit, her jock older brother, is loyal to the core, protective in the best way, and adorably sweet under all his athleticism (or with his athleticism?) Anyway, the first three books are thrilling and exciting as Whit and Wisty learn how to use their magic to defeat The One Who Is The One, who messes up not only the main dimension, but also the Shadowland. I’d definitely recommend these to any middle or high schooler looking for an adventure!
Now, the last two…I think they’re kind of a drag… The first three wrapped up a nice story, but the last two are separate, and not as gripping. They’re pretty repetitive, so I found myself thinking “same old, same old,” multiple times reading these two. That being said, they’re not terrible books, but I wouldn’t go rave about them to my friends.

Have you read the Witch & Wizard series? Or any of James Patterson’s books? Tell me what you thought in the comments, and don’t forget to follow the blog and subscribe to the monthly newsletter (you get a FREE printable password organizer and FREE monthly fonts just by signing up!)


Book Review: PREY

Ready for the second book review? You know you are! I’m gonna tell you up front: today’s book is totally different than Ella Enchanted. TOTALLY.

PREY Pinnable Picture

Book: PREY
Author: Michael Crichton
Rating: PG-13–strong language, illustrative (kinda gory) details, adult scene
Score: 9/10

Jack Forman is a stay-at-home dad. He used to be a seriously brilliant software engineer, but he got fired for reporting his superiors for embezzlement. Now, he takes care of his three kids while his wife Julia works for Xymos, a company that makes nanobots for medical imaging technology. Julia becomes more and more distant with her family, including Jack, and her behavior starts changing. Jack is worried that she’s having an affair while she’s supposedly “at work,” but soon he has more important matters. He is hired by Xymos, at their fabrication plant, because something has gone wrong with the nanobots’ code- nanobots have escaped- and now they’re evolving into rogue, killing machines.

OH. MY. GOODNESS! This book! I started reading it on a recommendation from my dad. The first thing that caught my attention was the science/technology aspect of it. If you enjoy science/technology you will LOVE this book! There are some really complex ideas in here, but Crichton describes how all the technology works and intertwines with natural science in a way that is easy to understand and so captivating! Once I understood the premise for this book, I couldn’t put it down! New pieces of information just kept popping up, building the story into a climax that’s thrilling and unforgettable. The creepiest part of the story is that the technology makes so much sense, that now I’m scared that this could actually happen! I loved this book so much- I think the only downside is that the ending is kinda flat… But do pick up this book if you want to get into a serious, deep, non-series thriller!

Have you read PREY, or any of Michael Crichton’s other books? Tell me your thoughts and opinions in the comments!


Book Review: Ella Enchanted

Hooray, it’s the first book review post! Book reviews will always be posted on Tuesdays, probably every other week. Anyway, let’s get started!

Ella Enchanted Book Review

Book: Ella Enchanted
Author: Gail Carson Levine
Rating: PG-adventure
Score: 9/10

When Eleanor of Frell is born, the fairy Lucinda gives her the “blessing” (aka curse) of obedience. Ella has to obey anything anyone tells her, even if she doesn’t want to. If you told her to wash the dishes for five days straight, she’d have to do it. She desperately wants to find Lucinda so she can undo the curse, and so begins Ella’s adventurous journey.

I absolutely loved this book! My friend had been begging me to read it for about a year and a half, and I finally got around to it! It’s definitely appropriate for middle school girls, so I (as a high schooler) finished it pretty quickly, which was the only downside, but it entertained me all the  way through! There’s lots of adventure, humor, and romance! I also really loved all of the magical creatures and how each society had a different language (don’t worry, there are translations). The characters are very unique, and you quickly bond with them and develop friendships right along with them!
Ella Enchanted is a fun, light, quick read, perfect for spring break or a lighthearted summer read! …Or, anytime else, of course!

Have you read Ella Enchanted? Tell me your thoughts and opinions in the comments!
