Rocky Mountain Oatmeal

Last month, I went to a great breakfast place with my family. Something that caught my eye on the menu was quinoa cooked in coconut milk, with fresh fruit. Um, yum!

Naturally, I HAD to recreate it at home and dub it Rocky Mountain Oatmeal, even though it’s not oatmeal…

Rocky Mtn Oatmeal Pinnable

Ingredients, makes 2 servings:
-1/2 cup Quinoa
-1 cup Coconut Milk
-Sugar to taste (omit if using sweetened coconut milk)
-Fruit (fresh is preferred, but dried works too)

Rocky Mtn Oatmeal Ingedients

1. Rinse the quinoa according to the directions. Rinse it good, because it takes away the bitterness!

2. Bring the coconut milk and quinoa to a boil in a medium saucepan. Lower heat, cover, and simmer until the quinoa is cooked like normal (about 10-15 min)

3. Remove from heat, spoon into two bowls, and add sugar and fruit. Enjoy!

And that’s it! Seriously! A delicious breakfast recipe that’s easy and healthy! Yay!

Do you guys have any suggestions?


The girl that is not Holly, and her brownies.

Hello Guest Post!IMG_0819

Who is this weird girl on my computer screen, and WHERE IS HOLLY?!IMG_0823


I’m Lucie. A teenager, a friend, a sister, a fangirl, a mormon, a baker, a knitter, an embroiderererer, and generally speaking, a person.

(Please excuse the blurriness of all photos!)

Ok, Now that that’s settled, lets bake!

This is a tutorial for my famous brownie balls! Super easy and yummy! These can almost pass for a fake truffle at a fancy party, but are also super fun to make with little kids. There are loads of add-in choices and its basically impossible to mess up so feel free to change whatever you want! This isn’t a recipe so much as it is a technique. You can use any brownie recipe you like, here I’m using a box brownie mix.


I maybe stole that picture from the intern, but whatever! They taste good! (Scroll to the bottom for actual final product picture)

You will need:

  • All ingredients for your brownie recipe
  • a freezer
  • some sort of heating element
  • a cookie dough scoop
  • 2 6oz bags of chocolate
  • 4 oz white chocolate (optional)
  • general kitchen supplies
  • 1 glass baking pan
  • 1 cookie sheet
  • Crisco
  • parchment paper
  • vegetable oil
  • Sprinkles (optional)
  • Decorating sugar (optional)
  • Piping tips and bags (optional)
  • Cake pop sticks (optional)
  • Cream cheese (optional)
  • Peanut butter (optional)
  • Icing (optional)
  • Chopped nuts (optional)
  • Crushed cookies (optional)


Now just follow through with your regular baking procedures. preheat oven, grease pans, mix, measure, sift. Whatever.



Ok! Now that your brownies are baked, let them cool so that you can handle them safely.


Look at those beautiful, warm brownies, waiting to be eaten…mmmmm


Take a fork and drag it through the brownies to break them up, you don’t want any chunks. You can also use a food processor for this.

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Ok, now for the reconstruction.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Break out the ice cream scoop and smoosh some of that sticky gooey mess into it.


If it feels too wet, you could have under baked it, add some chopped nuts or crushed cookies. If it is too dry, blend it with some penut butter, Nutella, or icing.

Once you formed all your brownie balls, stick them in the freezer, or if you live in a frozen tundra like me, you can just stick it in a 3 foot pile of snow!


While your brownie balls are setting in the freezer, start melting your chocolate. You can do this over the stove or in the microwave. I’m using a tiny little crock pot. Make sure you add about 1Tbs vegetable oil per cup of chocolate so it will be nice and drizzly. Melt some white chocolate as well for drizzling.


Make sure you melt a LOT of chocolate because each brownie ball picks up a lot!

Time to start dipping!

Fully cover each brownie ball in chocolate, then use a knife or spoon to scrape off excess. Transfer to the baking sheet.

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Once you have covered every brownie ball, you can get CRAZY!

You can decorate any way you want, use sprinkles, pipe on pretty designs with white chocolate, cover in decorating sugar, or just throw white chocolate around with reckless abandon!

I chose the last option.


Wait a couple minutes for the brownies to warm up and you’re all done!


These are super easy and rich! I brought these to a party once and I don’t stop hearing about them! Good luck and Happy Baking!



Peanut Butter Granola Bites

Hey, look! It’s a food/recipe post! Hooray!

I came up with this recipe when I wanted something wholesome, yummy, and able to satisfy my ridiculous sweet tooth at swim meets! You know, I’m a very straight-up person, and you’ll probably learn this eventually, but I’m very particular and precise with things, and if they’re not exactly perfect, I’ll be the first to say so. That said, I’m not a mean person, either. I’m just always looking for ways to improve. So! Now you know why I’m going to say this: these “granola” bites are dry. They are. They’re crumbly and dry and taste pretty raw, but I think they taste okay, and they definitely serve their purpose. This is also the first recipe I’ve made totally from my own brain (I’m not an expert chef), so I’m hoping that with a little practice and more experimentation, I’ll get better 🙂

Peanut Butter Granola Bites

1c Steel Cut Oats
1/2c Flaxseed
1/2c Quick Oats
1/2c Peanut Butter
1/4c Milk
Coconut Flakes
Semi-Sweet or Dark Chocolate Chips

1. Preheat over to 325˚

2. Combine oats, flaxseed, and peanut butter with a rubber spatula. It helps to break up (read “stab”) the peanut butter with the spatula. Stir milk in, adding a little bit more if everything is not moistened.

3. Spread mixture over parchment paper on a cookie sheet to 1/4-1/2 thick. Sprinkle an even layer of coconut flakes over the top.

4. Bake for 10 minutes or until the coconut is beginning to toast.

5. Sprinkle an even layer of chocolate chips over the coconut. Leave for a few minutes, until you can easily spread the chocolate out with the back of the spatula.

6. Place in freezer overnight to harden chocolate.

7. Take out, break into chunks, and enjoy!

Do you have any suggestions to improve this recipe? Tell me in the comments!
