Why Friends Are AWESOME

I’ve been wanting to talk about friends for about a month, so I looked up National Friendship Day, cause that would be a good day to do this kind of post, right? Except I think it’s in August, and I just got so excited about this post that, uh, no way could I wait another four months!

So anyway, have you ever really thought about how awesome your friends are? Not like, how they are awesome friends, but how, as a person, they are so. amazing. One of my best friends runs a great blog (*cough* idesignsbysophie.com *cough*), another is going to INDIA to be a foreign exchange student, another has already been recruited to a college (she’s a sophomore in high school), and another is a future food critic/actress/surgeon! That’s definitely not all, but I just wanted to make a point, not bore you 😉

And then you realize just how blessed you are to have these future/present superstars as your besties, the ones who will always be by your side- what did I ever do to deserve this love? But you didn’t do anything specifically, you were just you, so that means that you’re awesome, too, and your amazing friends are thinking about you the same way you’re thinking about them. And you’ve [I’ve] realized, everyone in this world is amazing! We’re all blessed with extraordinary gifts by God (1 Cor 12:7, Rom 11:29) and immeasurable love (John 3:16)!

That makes me happy 🙂 What are some qualities that make you and your friends amazing? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Bloom Where You’re Planted

The teen years are hard, right? Full of weird emotions and sometimes you just don’t know how to feel. But whoever you are, all teens experience some unhappiness with something or other. Like Harry in Order of the Phoenix and Katniss in Mockingjay- sometimes the situations you’re in just make you want to curl up into a ball and never leave your room.

I moved to the town I’m living in now three years ago, and until today, the only thing I liked about the town was my school (which is a story for another time…maybe). I hated the landscape, I hated the amenities (one small Target? Yeesh), I hated the people (dang, what a horrible generalized statement).

Today, I went downtown with my best friend, Lucie (the brownie bites guest poster!). We volunteered at our local library for a few hours, then went to a corner cafe for lunch, then to a new pottery place (LOVE!), then to a cute antique shop, then to a fabulous bakery that is super cheap but soooo yummy, which was good because by then we kinda ran out of money… hahaha!

These businesses were really small, local businesses, and the owners were SO NICE! At the corner cafe, we ordered a sweet potato cinnamon roll, and the guy waited until we finished our sandwiches to heat it up and put on fresh cream cheese icing- heaven! At the new pottery place, we painted a butter dish and soap pump for our moms for Mothers’ Day; the store was so artsy and colorful we couldn’t not fall in love! The antique shop was full of the most amazing things and ridiculously awesome old coins, and the dude there was really enthusiastic and helpful. At the bakery, I got four delicious cookies for 80¢!

Basically, what I’m saying is that you can find lovely gems wherever you are. If you’re really sick of your town, doing the same old stuff, I highly encourage you to explore and find those gems! You won’t regret it, and you might even find some of your favorite places! Make the most of your life, because there really is beauty in everything 🙂

What are your favorite quirky places?


P.S. Sorry I didn’t get any pictures!

April’s Resolution?

Hey, so how many of you made a New Years’ Resolution to be healthier? I did. I’ve made that resolution for like three years and never really took it seriously. But this year, I’m going to!

My mom has is also trying to get my family to eat better, so this will help me. We eat pretty well as it is, but sometimes we eat a bit too much candy or chips, so we should replace it with fruits and veggies and protein!

I’m working on a “Healthy Me” notebook, and hopefully I’ll have some printable sheets up soon, but I plan on creating a binder full of workouts, goals, healthy recipes, and a page of some of the weird things about my body- okay, not weird, but like all the things that can make me, specifically, healthier. For example, if I get dehydrated I get headaches and start to have panic attacks/nervous breakdowns. I know that lots of people get headaches when they’re dehydrated, but I’ve never heard of people having panic attacks because they’re dehydrated, so it’s specific to me, and I should remember that.

I’m really excited to get on this healthier lifestyle, and I’m sure it will make a huge impact on my life! But guys, I need your help! Seriously. I get lazy, it’s the truth, so every once in a while one of you has to comment and say, “EEYYY HOLLY WASSUP HOW YOU DOIN WITH THAT HEALTH THING YOU STILL DOIN IT YOU BETTER STILL BE DOIN IT” okay? Okay, maybe not those exact words, but please please please help me out okay?

And if any of you guys have a similar goal, comment! Let’s encourage each other!!! It’ll be great 🙂


Rock & Worship Roadshow 2015

Hey hey!!! I went to the Rock & Worship Roadshow recently and all I can say is BEST. NIGHT. EVER. It was absolutely unbelievable!

There were so many amazing artists and performances-definitely something for everyone!

Jamie Grace

Jamie Grace because um YES

Basically what it is is a concert tour with 8 bands/performers. All Christian music, all amazing! The bands that were there were Mercy Me, Matt Maher, Jon Guerra, Tadashii, Jamie Grace, David Crowder Band, I Am They and Group 1 Crew. Each artist performed 3-5ish songs. It was $10, general seating.

It was $10 well spent!!! I took two friends along and we had a total blast! Afterward, we got ice cream so that’s cool too. My favorite person was Jamie Grace. She was so likable and had the best personality, plus she is an absolutely amazing singer and so beautiful! I also really loved David Crowder Band because it was seriously country which was fun. There was a cellist and violinist in that performance, and they were jaw-droppingly amazing! I also really loved Mercy Me…

I would DEFINITELY recommend going, no matter who you are there’s something for you- like rap? There’s Tadashii. Country? David Crowder. Techno/hip-hop? Group 1 Crew. Bright Pop-Country? Jamie Grace. But get there early, as in, before the doors open, because we got there about 15 minutes after doors opened and I’m pretty sure the line extended half a mile outside the door…so yeah. We ended up in seats that were almost behind the stage, but we were lucky to even get that! There were so many people that some didn’t even have seats!

See how we're behind the stage and projector?

See how we’re behind the stage and projector?

If you ever have the opportunity to go to this (it’s almost over this year, if it isn’t over already) DO IT!!! It’s one of the most spiritual and fun events ever! SO. AWESOME. Yes.
