The Liebster Award

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Hello! Today I am delighted to say that I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by Sophia over at Someplace in the Midst and Sophie from iDesigns by Sophie! Thank you so much!

image from Wording Well

image from Wording Well

What is the Liebster Award?
I had to look it up, and it turns out the Liebster Award is somewhat like those annoying chain/forward emails you got when you were in middle school, but without the annoying part! It’s actually really cool, because bloggers nominate other bloggers (who have less than 200 followers) as kind of a “welcome-to-the-blogosphere-you’re-really-cool” gift! You ask questions for your nominees to answer, and they just pass it on!

Because two people nominated me, I’ll just answer 5 questions from each person 🙂

1. (Sophia) Favorite YouTuber? Umm honestly I don’t really get on YouTube as much as expected I guess…When I’m on YouTube I like vlogbrothers I suppose.

2. (Sophia) Favorite celebrity? I’m also not that into pop culture, oops. But Jennifer Lawrence is always cool. Always.

3. (Sophia) Favorite Disney princess? Ha! See now, this is a question I can answer!!! Maybe Merida because she’s super awesome and independent and is amazing with her bow. 🙂

4. (Sophia) Favorite vacation? Honestly, I love visiting my grandma. Okay, so it’s not a huge vacation, being just three hours away, but it’s always fun! 🙂

5. (Sophia) Last movie watched? The Hunger Games- it was on last night!

6. (Sophie) Favorite book series? Oooooh, this is a hard one….I LOOOVEEEE Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, Maximum Ride, and most recently the Graceling world has been in my mind.

7. (Sophie) Favorite holiday? I truly love Christmas! I love love love making gifts for my whole family and all of my friends; there’s so much variety in the crafts I can make! I also love the baking (the lovely smells!), the music, the food, getting together with my family, and unity in celebrating my faith. It’s such a  great feeling 🙂

8. (Sophie) Favorite author? James Patterson is pretty great. So is JK Rowling, Rick Riordan, Suzanne Collins, and Michael Crichton. I know I know, I’m so decisive.

9. (Sophie) Career goals? At the moment, I want to become a biomedical engineer designing artificial hearts. But it changes every few months–last year, I wanted to be a hematologist.

10. (Sophie) Favorite DIY? Seriously, Soph?! DIYing is my life! XD Buutttt today I tried a label-removing solution that was like magic…ask me again tomorrow, it’ll change, I’m sure.

I nominate these wonderful blogs for the Liebster Award, and can I just say, I’m thrilled and honored to be a part of the wonderful blogging universe! (By the way, I’m friends with a lot of amazing blogger people who also deserve this award, but if I’ve seen you’ve already been nominated recently by Sophia or Sophie, I didn’t nominate you because I though you’d be kinda overwhelmed, but do know that I really love being friends with you all!!!!)

The Lolly Project
Pebbles + Peaches
Wispy & Willowy
A Little Yarn Blossom
Eve of Womanhood

Here are my questions 🙂 Answer all, none, or however many you want! And to the magnificent people who are reading this post and didn’t get nominated, answer these questions in the comments! Or on your own blog (if you have one) and link back to this post so I can read them!

1. What do you fangirl over?
2. Three weird, random facts about you?
3. What are you most proud of?
4. What would be your dream place to live?
5. Favorite dessert?
6. What are you doing at this moment besides writing this post?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. What superpower do you want?
9. If you could meet anyone (past, present, or future; fictional or real), who would you want to meet?
10. Fruits or veggies?
11. What do you want your legacy to be? In other words, what do you want people to remember you by/for?

I love all you people, those who I mentioned and those I didn’t, thank you so much for stopping by and reading my blog. I truly appreciate it so much! And don’t forget to comment with your answers to the questions! 😀


Font Friday(ish): Nelly May

Didn’t you just love Tuesday’s post? Lucie is an amazing chef-person, and an even better friend! Love ya, Luce! I wish I could tell you guys to go visit her blog, but alas, she has not. (I tried to get her to start one but to no avail…)

While on the topic of blogs, I’m going to switch some things up with mine. Due to the craziness of making fonts, only email subscribers will be able to download the monthly free fonts. March’s font is called Nelly May- a soft, casual font that can pretty much be used for anything. 🙂

Font Nelly May

I’m also throwing in a Welcome present when you subscribe! You’ll receive a free printable password organizer, available in Blue, Orange, Green, Pink, or Purple (without the watermark of course)!

Blue Password Printable

Click here or on the sidebar to subscribe to the email newsletter and receive free fonts every month and a free password organizer printable in a color of your choice!
