Font Friday(ish): Nelly May

Didn’t you just love Tuesday’s post? Lucie is an amazing chef-person, and an even better friend! Love ya, Luce! I wish I could tell you guys to go visit her blog, but alas, she has not. (I tried to get her to start one but to no avail…)

While on the topic of blogs, I’m going to switch some things up with mine. Due to the craziness of making fonts, only email subscribers will be able to download the monthly free fonts. March’s font is called Nelly May- a soft, casual font that can pretty much be used for anything. 🙂

Font Nelly May

I’m also throwing in a Welcome present when you subscribe! You’ll receive a free printable password organizer, available in Blue, Orange, Green, Pink, or Purple (without the watermark of course)!

Blue Password Printable

Click here or on the sidebar to subscribe to the email newsletter and receive free fonts every month and a free password organizer printable in a color of your choice!


Font Friday: Classic Cursive


I recently learned how to create my own fonts, so I hope to release a new font at least one Friday a month.

This first one is Classic Cursive. Just like the title implies, this simple font will bring you back to your third-grade days of just learning cursive, before you had the chance to add your own flairs!

Fill out the form at the end of this post to receive my first free font, Classic Cursive!

If you have a Mac, all you need to do to install the font is open the .ttf file and click “Install Font” when Font Book opens. If you have a PC, open Fonts (Control Panel > Appearance & Personalization), select file menu, and click “Install New Font.”
