The Best Things in Life are Handmade

Since I’m a crafter, I suppose I’m biased, but who doesn’t love getting a gift that your friend made for you?

It’s unique. It’s meaningful. It’s personal.

And who doesn’t love that feeling when you make a gift for your friend and they absolutely love it?

It’s warm, fuzzy, uplifting, just plain lovely.

There’s just something about making things with my own two hands that makes me giddy and proud, relaxed and peaceful. It pretty much is the best feeling in life. 🙂

So why not print out “handmade by…” tags so everyone can know the love you put into your projects? I’ve created 14 free, lovely tags that you can print out, cut out, sign, decorate, whatever! Download all of them here!


DIY Graphic Tee + Gift Box

GOOD MORNING! Or afternoon, or night, or whatever time it is where you live! 😀 Today I’m sharing my Dad’s entire birthday present…don’t worry-his birthday was last week, hehe!

Everything here today is SHIELD/Marvel themed, but you can do these techniques for any image.

Materials for Graphic Tee:

-Tee Shirt
-Fabric Paint
-Foam Brush
-B&W Computer print out of your image
-Craft Knife
-Iron & Ironing Surface
-Freezer Paper
-Scrap Cardboard/Cardstock (ex. cereal box)

DIY Graphic Tee

1. Place a sheet of freezer paper on top of your image, plastic-side down, and trace your image.
2. With the scrap card stock underneath, cut along the lines of your traced image from your freezer paper. Keep in mind that your paint will go in the negative image, or empty spaces. I really had to think about this!
3. Insert a scrap piece of cardstock and a fresh sheet of freezer paper plastic side up within the t-shirt, smooth out, and place on the ironing surface.
4. Place the cut pieces of freezer paper on your shirt to form a stencil. Remember: the places where your freezer paper is will not have paint on them!
5. Iron the freezer paper onto the fabric! The plastic kinda melts onto the fabric so you can paint without worrying about moving the stencil!
6. Paint away! Make sure to use multiple coats of paint if you want to get a good, opaque color.
7. Once the paint is almost dry to the touch, peel off the freezer paper! I’ve found that it helps to flip up a corner of the freezer paper with the craft knife, and then I can peel the rest off quickly.
8. Let dry for 2 days, or according to the fabric paint directions, then wash inside out. Now it’s ready to be worn and shown off! 🙂

Now for the 0-8-4 Gift Box! For all you non-SHIELD people out there, “0-8-4” is simply a SHIELD term for an item of unknown origin. Like a present, for example!

Materials for 0-8-4 Gift Box:

-Cardboard Box
-Black Acrylic Paint
-White Acrylic Paint
-Foam brush
-Computer print out of text, get mine here (Uses D-Day Stencil font from Dafont)
-Craft Knife
-Cardstock, Black Marker, & Ruler for Mission Card

084 Box

1. Paint your box with a coat of black paint.
2. While that’s drying, cut out the wording (remember, negative image) this time, the stencil will simply be the paper itself. I recommend cutting the “SSR Item #” and “084” into separate pieces of paper to really get them aligned. Set the stencil aside.
3. Paint a second coat of paint onto the box. I tried to get a light texture by daubing the paint- it didn’t dry textured, but it did get a nice, even coat.
4. While it’s drying a second time, make the Mission Card like I did above: sections for name, date, mission description (body of your card), location, difficulty, weapons, and “commander signature”
5. When the box is completely dry, tape the stencils in position. Use the foam brush to dab white or light gray (mix a little black into the white) paint on the stencils. DAB, DO NOT BRUSH! Using a brushing motion will push paint underneath the stencil, plus dabbing paint with a foam brush gives the paint a perfect effect.
6. Remove the stencils, let dry, and the use le box! If needed, touch up the paint with Sharpie.

If you have a Marvel, especially Agents of SHIELD, fan in your life, I promise they will be absolutely delighted with these presents! And if you don’t know what I’ve just been inwardly fangirling about, well you can still make amazing graphic tees with this fabulous technique! Be sure to let me know or send me pictures if you make a shirt (or box) like this!!!

And don’t forget to follow the blog and subscribe to the email newsletter if you want free fonts, printables, and more fantastic stuff! 🙂


Font Friday(ish): Nelly May

Didn’t you just love Tuesday’s post? Lucie is an amazing chef-person, and an even better friend! Love ya, Luce! I wish I could tell you guys to go visit her blog, but alas, she has not. (I tried to get her to start one but to no avail…)

While on the topic of blogs, I’m going to switch some things up with mine. Due to the craziness of making fonts, only email subscribers will be able to download the monthly free fonts. March’s font is called Nelly May- a soft, casual font that can pretty much be used for anything. 🙂

Font Nelly May

I’m also throwing in a Welcome present when you subscribe! You’ll receive a free printable password organizer, available in Blue, Orange, Green, Pink, or Purple (without the watermark of course)!

Blue Password Printable

Click here or on the sidebar to subscribe to the email newsletter and receive free fonts every month and a free password organizer printable in a color of your choice!


DIY: Valentine’s Candy Sugar Scrub +Free Printable!

Candy Sugar Scrub

Still stuck on what to get your friends for Valentine’s Day? No worries! This sweet sugar scrub is super easy to make, with ingredients you probably have on hand right now!

-White Sugar
-Coconut Oil
-Pink “powdery” Candy (like Pixie Stix, Sweethearts, PEZ, etc.)
-Small, cute glass/plastic jars
-Ribbon or colored string

1. If it’s not already in powdery form, crush the candy until you have fine crumbs about the size of the sugar or smaller. I used a mortar and pestle lined with parchment paper to crush the candy. You could also use the back of a spoon or the end of a rolling-pin. *Note: I would recommend Pixie Stix if you have some because the citric acid has additional skin benefits. If you don’t have some, that’s okay, I used different candy*

2. Mix together two parts sugar, one part candy, and two parts coconut oil. You could definitely use olive oil or another oil like that, but because coconut oil is white, I opted for this. If you use coconut oil, you may have to melt the oil slightly to be able to mix everything well.

3. Clean the edge of the jar, adhere the label to the lid, and finish by tying a pretty ribbon and bow around the neck of the jar.Candy Sugar Scrub

Your girlfriends will be sure to love this luxurious, festive gift! Best of all, I’ve created the labels for you! In this free printable, I’ve made two label designs, both in pink and purple; click on the picture to download the printable file!Candy Sugar Scrub Labels

And if you love DIYs like this one, be sure to Follow the blog and subscribe to the monthly email newsletter!


Candy Sugar Scrub Pinnable